There is no question that the last year and a half has been very difficult for some professions. Dancing is one of them.
1) Is this your dream?
2)The first question you must ask yourself is, is this your dream?
3)Is it a good idea?
4)If it is, go for it. If not, go for something else.
5)What can you afford?
You’ll have to know your own strengths and weaknesses, so ask yourself, “How comfortable am I with my dancing ability, and how comfortable am I with teaching and fundraising?”
You can become a teacher, or you can become a principal dancer. Not both.
I’ve known many dancers who turned to teaching and fundraising after dancing professionally, and they’re doing fine.
You can also become a teacher or principal, or you can continue dancing professionally.
Figure out what suits you best.
Do you have the time?
It's one thing to dance at a dinner party, as long as you are being your best self. It's another to dance in a tutu at a benefit, and it's something completely different to dance as an artist at a recital. Having said that, dancing is still a job, and like any job, you need to approach it from a position of being the best at it, or else the role will not last.
Do you have the talent?
If you can't dance, you can't dance. There are some professions that simply can't be learned, like sales. But no one starts a career as an artist without good dance training, especially if they want to become a professional. The audience won't buy tickets if they don't believe that you have what it takes.
What are the dance jobs in the industry?
There are dance jobs for artists, dance producers, choreographers, music video directors, dancers, make-up artists, dancers, models, wardrobe stylists and so much more.
Every job is different. I will now highlight five things to consider to help you figure out if this is the right career for you.
Dancers can be Rich!
Yes. I said dancers can be rich.
Dancers could make tons of money and they get to travel a lot. Also, many of them make good money in other fields like acting, dance in films and so on.
How much does a dancer make?
Well, in the previous economy, a dancer probably won’t make enough to pay rent. In fact, some of them will need to live in their car or in their parents’ house. But, if you are into the lifestyle, it is definitely a great option. Today there are so many options to make money out side of the dance studio and the hourly rate: blogs, influencing, youtbe, apps, content production, video on demand, merchandise,etc.
How much money can you make?
Is it worth the effort?
If you follow us our new facebook group , you know that I've come to love the dance community. I do it for the dancers. They are not just dancers. They're human beings with their own issues, hopes, dreams, and demons. I am lucky enough to work with a lot of those people and apply my 30+ years in corporate jobs. This group isn't just for dancers. It's also for non-dancers who love dance and want to see the industry thrive.
People say, "If you're not making money, it's not worth it." But is it? That's easy to say when you're not working. But what if you could make thousands of dollars a week on top of health insurance, a pension, a 401(k), and a 401(k) retirement plan?
I hear this a lot: “I love my job and I love dancing. But it's been very difficult for me to make a living as a professional dancer”.
Well these are the questions you need to answer:
Do you have enough training and skills?
Do you have enough experience?
Do you have the right equipment and business license?
Are you on the right time schedule?
Are you on the right page of your choreography?
Are you getting enough sleep?
Have you made enough connections?
Are you charging enough?
Do you know what your "edge" is?
Do you have any big performances coming up?
If you're a professional dancer in the US, you may have experienced at least one or more of these challenges or worse.
When a dancer suddenly loses their main source of income, it takes a while for them to feel financially secure again.
For many dancers it's been a struggle to make ends meet as they figure out how to pay the rent or mortgage, how to survive and keep their car on the road, and how to continue pursuing their passion.
What are the obstacles that may prevent me from being successful in the dance jobs field?
Answering these questions may help you decide if I will be able to make a living as a dancer and become a professional dancer.
If you decide to dance for a living as a professional, here are 5 things you need to know:
1)Don't worry about being a pro.
2)Don't worry about what the judges are looking for.
3) Don't get too caught up in your competition.
4)Enjoy what you're doing.
5)Remember to love what you're doing!
As always,
Noel Roque
World Dance Group
Check out our new Facebook group
Sweet spots are some of the best places on earth. Many dancers live in them, and it’s easy to be intimidated by what some may call “difficult” dancers. But take a closer look. The dancers that you see living in their sweet spot are the ones you’ll remember.